Lesson Planning
Don't know what to teach today or how to get everything done? Explore these resources for planning your lessons and get ideas on how to help your homeschool day run smoothly.
Online Homeschool Lesson Plans
Large Family Homeschool Lesson Planning
Lesson planning for a larger than average size family can be a bit tricky. This sample planning sheet offers an easy approach to planning out schooling for a large family.
How to Schedule Your Day for Homeschooling
Now that you're homeschooling, how will you fit in the laundry, the grocery shopping, the cooking, the cleaning? Well, you probably can't do it all, but here are some guidelines for keeping your sanity at homeschool.
Planning for the Large Family Homeschool
There is nothing like the summer break to step back from the madness and take a good, long {and honest} look at your previous year of homeschooling. It can be difficult in a large family to accommodate everyone’s individual desires, but you can at least listen to them and try!
How to Make Lesson Plans for Homeschool
It is good to wake up in the morning and know what you are going to do that day in school. That is what planning lessons is all about -- being prepared -- so that you can be as stress free as possible.
Tips for Homeschool Planning for Multiple Ages
For the most part, the more well ordered days are the more smoothly the day will go. Not only does it require planning on our part as homeschooling moms, it requires diligence and perseverance – daily.
Create Your Own Homeschool Lesson Plans
School Assignment
Fast and flexible method for creating and editing lesson plans. Two methods for lesson plan scheduling allows user to stay on schedule. Create printed student assignment sheets with completion check boxes. Download to try for free for 30 days.
HomeSchool Minder
HomeSchool Minder is an all-in-one homeschool organizer that manages: daily school activities, lesson plans, grades, attendance, and much more! Completely intuitive and very user-friendly, HomeSchool Minder will help homeschool teachers maintain accuracy and integrity of student data, automate daily tasks, standardize procedures, and save time. . . all for about the price of the average school textbook!
Featured Resources
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A Little Way of Homeschooling
This book is a compilation of the experiences of 13 different homeschoolers and how they incorporated an unschooling style of teaching in their homes. This book addresses the question of whether a Catholic can happily and successfully unschool. This home education approach is presented as a sensible way to access the mystery of learning, in which it operates not as an ideology in competition with the Catholic faith, but rather a flexible and individual homeschooling path.
Parenting With Grace: Catholic Parent's Guide to Raising Almost Perfect Kids
Gary Popcak and his wife Lisa show that God offers every Catholic parent guidance and the opportunity to take a truly Catholic approach to parenthood. In this book, they discuss parenting strategies, phases children go through, the essential differences between discipline and punishment, and more.
Home Education: A Homeschooling Classic
Home Education consists of six lectures by Charlotte Mason about the raising and educating of young children (up to the age of nine), for parents and teachers. She encourages us to spend a lot of time outdoors, immersed in nature and handling natural objects and collecting experiences on which to base the rest of their education. She discusses the use of training in good habits such as attention, thinking, imagining, remembering, performing tasks with perfect execution, obedience, and truthfulne...
Climb Inside a Poem for Children Big Book of Poems
The poetry anthology, Climb Inside a Poem: Original Poems for Children, uses the writings of contemporary children's poets, whimsical illustrations, and an expansive big book format (14"x 18") to create a 36-page poetry playground. The children's poems crafted expressly for this collection are written by acclaimed children's authors.
The Unschooling Handbook : How to Use the Whole World As Your Child's Classroom
Unschooling, a homeschooling method based on the belief that kids learn best when allowed to pursue their natural curiosities and interests, is practiced by 10 to 15 percent of the estimated 1.5 million homeschoolers in the United States. There is no curriculum or master plan for allowing children to decide when, what, and how they will learn, but veteran homeschooler Mary Griffith comes as close as you can get in this slim manual. Written in a conversational, salon-style manner, The Unschooling...